+420 244 403 114

Poliklinika Soukalova 3/3355, 143 00 Praha 12 – Modřany

Medical Certificates: Important Information for Parents

Medical Certificates: Important Information for Parents

Please ask for any needed health certificates well in advance. This helps us process your request properly and ensures you’ll have the documents when needed.

Key Information

  • Validity: Medical certificates are valid for 2 years
  • Authorized issuer: By law, only your child’s registered pediatrician can issue these certificates, not a substitute doctor!
  • Processing time: By law, doctors have 10 working days from the day they have all necessary documents (including medical reports from specialists, examination results, relevant health records, and any other required documentation) to issue the certificate. We will make every effort to issue certificates as promptly as possible.
  • Kindergarten enrollment: This certificate needs to be issued just once (please keep the original)


When Medical Certificates Are Required?

  1. Kindergarten enrollment
  2. Camps and Residential Outdoor School (lasting more than 5 days)
  3. Sports club registration
  4. Driver’s license applications
  5. Starting a job or seasonal work


When Medical Certificates Are NOT Required?

  1. High school/secondary school applications
  2. Art clubs
  3. School Physical Education classes and school-organized sports events
  4. Regular after-school sports clubs


If you have any questions or need help, just contact our office – we’re happy to assist you.